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Register & Recorder

The Clarion County Register and Recorder’s Office acts as the chief repository and records management agent for all public land records, estate records, and Orphans’ Court filings. This officer is elected for a 4-year term. The following records are kept in this office: Birth and death certification from 1893 to 1906, marriage records from 1885 to present, Estate records from 1840 to present, land records from 1840 to present (including deeds, mortgages, leases, misc. agreements). There is also a limited amount of deeds from Venango and Armstrong County dating back to 1800. Military discharge deeds from Venango and Armstrong County dating back to 1800. Military discharge papers from WW1 to present, Orphan Court records from 1840 to present (Guardianships, adoptions, small estates, settlement of estates, trusts, and misc. petitions and orders). All records with the exception of military and adoption records are open to the public.

The following filings are processed and archived in the Recorder of Deeds division of the Office:

  1. All land related documents (available from 1839 to present)
  2. Veterans’ Discharges
  3. Notary Bonds and Commissions
  4. Power of Attorneys

The following filings are processed and archived in the Register of Wills division of the Office:

  1. Probated Estates (available from 1839 to present)
  2. Inheritance Tax payments and records

The following filings are processed and archived in the Orphans’ Court division of the Office from 1840 – present:

  1. Adoptions
  2. Guardianships
  3. First and Final Accounts for Estate Administration
  4. Marriage Licenses (available from 1885 to present)
  5. Miscellaneous Orphans’ Court Petitions
  6. Birth and Death Certificates (available from 1893 to 1906)

All records in the Clarion County Register and Recorder’s Office are available for public inspection Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with the exception of adoptions and veterans' discharges.

Birth and death certificates after 1906 are filed with the Pennsylvania Division of Vital records located in New Castle, PA.

You may order certificates online through VitalChek

The office is not permitted to provide the public with any legal advice. All legal questions should be directed to an attorney.

Online Access to Office Records - Many Clarion County Register and Recorder's Office records can be accessed online, 24 hours a day through Infocon Corporation. The Infocon County Access System is a cooperative fee based subscription service that provides internet access to many of the office's public records. For more information and/or to subscribe go to www.infoconcountyaccess.com

E-Recording - Clarion County now accepts your recordings via the internet through Simplifile.

For more information and/or to subscribe to the Simplifile filing network, visit www.simplifile.com

Contact Information

Register and Recorder's Office
Courthouse, 1st Floor Ste 24
421 Main Street
Clarion, PA 16214
Telephone: (814) 226-4000
Fax: (814) 226-1117

Rebekah Weckerly   Ext. 2500

Pam Runyan   Ext. 2501

Sheryl Whitton   Ext. 2502

Abstractors Room   Ext. 2503

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